
How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring

Best Way to Clean Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring Guide, Home Cleaning Tips, House Style Design

Best Way to Clean Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

2 Dec 2020

Luxury vinyl plank flooring is vinyl flooring that looks like a hardwood floor. So, you have a wood-like flooring, which isn't wood but never looks cheap. We are not claiming that no one will get to know it's not real hardwood. But LVP floor makes one of the closest replicas of hardwood floors and a great alternative to an otherwise expensive and hard to maintain wood flooring. Not just that, you can install the LVP flooring for various other reasons.

Why You Should install the LVP flooring

Best way to clean luxury vinyl plank flooring

Reason #1 – Easy Maintenance

The first reason should be for its easy upkeep. See, when it comes to your floors, the appearance is important, but for the first few months, a year at best. After the days pass by, and you struggle to upkeep the flooring, the floor loses its original form, full of scratches, stains, and dirt, due to lack of care, and you start conceding that you needed an easier flooring.

Reason #2 – Water-Resistant

LVP floors are water-resistant, unlike polyurethaned hardwood floors, don't require cautious cleaning, heavy-duty cleaning machines to clean it, neither you have to be terrified when someone spills something on it or walks with wet slippers over it. You can simply take a stick mop and bucket of water and sweep the flooring. Of course, after wringing the mop thoroughly. Easy and quick, perfect for the busy souls.

Reason #3 – Kitchen and Bathroom

Now, you can install hardwood flooring everywhere in your house. Why not if you desired it, have the budget and are welcoming towards the meticulous maintenance. However, no matter how eager you are to keep the hardwood floor clean, you cannot install them in the kitchen and bathroom. Water and heat are not what hardwood can take well. And these are the two spaces which will always have water and heat. So, even here, the LVP flooring helps you to maintain the hardwood look of your house. I mean, you have installed hardwood flooring in every other room in your home, and all of a sudden, there are ceramic tile floors in between; the look gets interrupted. We do not mean that ceramic tile floors are bad or cheap quality and will not look good. But as a whole, it will not go well with how the entire house looks, we mean. As LVP flooring looks exactly like hardwood, you do not have that abrupt cessation and can maintain the sleek look.

Importance of Regular Cleaning

Now that you are pretty much convinced that you need the LVP flooring in your life, house and bedrooms, kitchen, and the bathrooms, let's come to the main point. Easy to clean, doesn't need much upkeep, these maxims don't indicate you will leave your LVP floor unclean, unhygienic, full of filth. If not mopping, dusting is a must, daily, or on alternate days. And the days you have decided to clean the LVP flooring, just know there are several ways, tools, and products, both shop-bought and household, are available for cleaning your house floors. But here, we will share with you the best way to clean luxury vinyl plank flooring. It's easy, and you are going to like it and avoid it less.

How to Clean Luxury Vinyl Plank Floors?

Step #1 – Dust The Dirt, Save The Floor from Scratches

If you could somehow manage to keep away all the dirt and dust from piling up on your floors, furniture, or even our body, life would be a lot easier. But the thing is, it's not possible. Stopping the dirt and dust from hoarding up is not plausible, but fastidious cleaning is.

So, we prefer cleaning the dust from an LVP floor daily. Dust particles scratch the floor pretty badly if left for even a day, let alone leaving them for too long. The drastic difference that a regular simple brooming can make is worth all the tedium and hard work. If you have pets and kids at home, do it twice a day. Sounds tedious, invest in a vacuum. The best will be any robot vacuum for vinyl plank flooring. It does the dusting without demanding supervising, safely. You will do the dusting twice a day, and you do not even have to be present in the vicinity.

Step #2 – Blot The Spilled Drink, Make The Work Easy

Leave all your work behind and immediately blot spilled food, drinks, water. There is no alternate to it. You have to be very meticulous and persistent about it. It will always help you in the long run. The spilled stuff will not stain the floor; neither will they set in and dry and make you struggle later on while cleaning those and causing further damage to the floor. LVP flooring will help you rectify every mistake but not something like a spilled drink dwelling on it for days.

Step #3 –  Clean The Spots, Evade Stains and Dullness

We talked about the best way, and our best way is to clean the LVP flooring with the vinegar-water solution. Take a spray bottle and fill it with half a liter of water. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing soap in the water. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients up. When you notice grime, stain, or need to do something about a dull spot, just spray the solution sparingly. Wait for it to dwell and work on the spot for 10 minutes. Now take a soft scrub pad, rub a bit, and wipe the removed filth with a damp cloth.

Step #4 – Mop The Floor, Kill The Germs and Bacteria

Even here, we are going to use vinegar. Take a gallon of warm water, not hot, lukewarm, and pour a cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix it well. Your vinegar solution is ready. Now you will need a stick mop, better with a soft microfiber pad. Dunk it in the bucket, wring the excess water and start mopping. If you see extra water on the floor, even after squeezing the pad or cloth hard, make sure you blot the water by impelling the mop repeatedly on the water.

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Step #5 – Sweep Again with Clean Water, Remove The Residue

Now you have vinegar all over the LVP flooring, time to remove it so that the acetic acid doesn't start damaging the floor. The step is simple, take clean, warm water, even plain normal water will do, and just sweep the floor with the stick mop.

Step #6 – Dry The Floor, Avoid The Water Seeping In

After mopping the floor with clean water, it's time to do something about the dampness. What we prefer is sweeping the floor while switching on the fan at full speed. So, the floor dries within seconds due to the heavy airflow. If you are not satisfied with just that, then take a dry terry cloth or stick a dry pad to your stick mop and mop the floor once again to dry it.

And that is the best way to clean your LVP flooring, but what is better in this best way is you need to do it no more than once a week. Once in two weeks is fine too if you have less foot traffic in your house. Just make sure to do the daily dusting. Every other work will become easy and less frequent.

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How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring


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