
How To Clean Money Frog

Money Frog

Feng shui is used in many homes and offices to create a welcoming and prosperous environment. Creating a positive and peaceful flow of energy throughout the space is believed by many to be the key to a robust love life, prosperous career and vibrant health.

Feng shui can be used to reverse poor financial luck. The money frog is considered an essential element of any home, office or garden space that needs to protect or increase prosperity. Proper placement according to feng shui leads to success. Here are some tips on how to use a money frog in feng shui.

History ​of Feng Shui

Feng shui is a science and artform that has been practiced for over 3,000 years. Parts of the practice may go back as far as 6,000 years. It encapsulates various studies including astronomy, astrology, philosophy and physics.

The primary concept is that everything, including the Earth itself, is alive and filled with energy, or Chi. Aligning items with this energy flow creates positive outcomes, while blocking the flow or disrupting it can create negative ones.

To translate the words literally, feng means "wind" and shui means "water." Throughout Chinese culture, water and wind are tied to prosperity and health. Water features and the color blue are integral parts of the wealth concept.

Feng shui shares many similarities with Taoist ideas and perceptions of nature. Both beliefs honor the energy found in all things. To live in harmony with positive energy, efforts are made to accentuate the flow or this energy.

Another concept they both share is that of polar opposites, most commonly referred to as yin and yang, or good and evil. The idea is that neither can exist without the other to provide balance.

The study of feng shui may be thought of as the art of proper placement. Each item placed in a home or office affects the space as a whole. As the energy of the space changes, so does the impact on those inhabiting the space.

Creating the right balance that works with positive energy flow should assure the good fortune of all present.

The Tale of the Money Frog

The money frog, or money toad, has its roots in Chinese folklore. The story tells the tale of Ch'an Chu, the wife of one of the eight immortals. Enticed by the glow of a special immortality potion, she stole the potion and ran away to the moon.

There she took the potion and promptly turned into an ugly frog. The gods took some pity on her and allowed her to keep two legs and the tail of a tadpole rather than have four true frog legs. That is the reason why the wealth frogs are three-legged today.

Money Frog

Later she was drawn to the glitter of gold coins in a well and was enticed to dive in after them. Water was already identified with wealth. Since frogs are frequently found near water, this latter part of the tale brings together the connection of water, money and frogs.

Fortune is further suggested by the shape of the money frog, with a body resembling that of a small purse full of coins. The coin in the frog's mouth represents an offering for the home or business owner where the frog is located.

Many of the frogs that are purchased or placed are by those dealing with mounting bills, financial misfortune or wanting help to stop overspending. Lottery tickets and financial papers are sometimes placed near or under the frogs for additional luck.

How the Frog is Activated

Many frogs that are acquired are already activated. In the case that one has not been, the frog should have a red ribbon tied around it or be placed on red paper. Frogs already bearing a red ribbon are already activated.

A popular belief is that frogs are most active during and immediately following a full moon.

Where to Place the Frog

Where to Place my Frog

One important place to put a money frog is close to the entrance of a business or home. The frog should always face into the space to encourage the positive flow into the area.

The other crucial area to place wealth toads is in the main living area of the home. The toads should be placed in the southeast, also known as the wealth area, of the living room.

In working toward a promotion or career advancement, the frog should be moved to the north, or career zone, of the room. It should always be placed on something to keep it elevated from the floor so as to show it proper respect.

The ideal height is about the height of your hips while standing.

In a garden, the frog should be placed on a pedestal or another elevated surface. The wealth frog should never be placed on the ground. If several frogs are placed in a garden, they should all be facing in toward the center of the garden.

In an office, the frog is best placed on a desk, cabinet or table at hip height. If placing the frog on a desk, the frog should be placed on the right side of the desk for men and the left for women. Right or left are determined based on when you are sitting at the desk.

For a business environment, frogs can be placed near cash registers, safes or important financial papers like stocks, pensions and business shares.

The money frog should never look outwards. Frogs should not be placed in kitchens, bathrooms or bedrooms. The area near the frog should be clean and free of clutter.

Broken, dented, chipped or deeply scratched frogs should be properly disposed of and replaced with a new one. Frogs should be kept clean. Some recommend placing it outside in the sun or under a full moon after cleaning.

Select a Coin

Select Coins

Most often, the frog will come with a coin in its mouth or packaged with the frog. The coin is an important aspect in the proper function of the frog. If there is no coin, one of two types should be obtained.

Coins with four Chinese symbols on one side and writings on the other should be placed with the symbol side on top. Coins with a symbolic ruby at the center should be placed with the ruby facing up. Turning either coin upside down will reverse financial fortunes.

The coin should not be removed from the frog's mouth. If the coin should fall out while cleaning or moving the frog, replace the coin promptly.

Number of Frogs

Number of Frogs

In general, a single frog measuring 3-inches long and 3-inches wide should be sufficient for a typical home or small office. For optimum energy flow and financial luck, many sources will recommend that the ideal situation is to place nine money frogs in the given area.

Each one should be placed around the living room or garden facing into the area to represent the flow of money from every direction to you. If nine frogs are too many for your space, you should maintain either three or six for best results.

Enhance the Effect

As mentioned already, frogs should be placed in the money or wealth area of the home or office. Certain items and enhancements can increase the flow of the money area. The feng shui element best suited for this area is wood.

Pictures of water and shades of blue will help to nourish the wood. Purple and red colors are also useful in this area.

Since water is an important element for wealth, a water feature in the wealth area is essential. Small fountains work well for most spaces. Aquariums can be used for this purpose. If you use an aquarium as your water feature, it is important to not feed live fish to your tank inhabitants.

Money Frog

The jade plant, when placed in the money area, is thought to increase the power of the energy flow. Bamboo or a money tree plant are other green options. Properly placed mirrors that reflect water or blue colors offer additional impact.

Mirrors serve the purpose of increasing the size of the wealth space and thereby the wealth impact. Small icons or statues adorned with wealth symbols or images can add to prosperity.

The money area of a home should be very personal. In addition to water features and mirrors, images and items that resonate with you personally about having an abundance financially must be included in the area. Wealth ships and dragon fish are great items to include in this area.

Remember, the chief concept of feng shui is that of creating and enhancing positive energy. The energy flow can be adjusted to your specific desires. Slightly different configurations are used for attracting money, good health or general well-being.

Proper feng shui placement involves an entire home or garden and not just one room or area. In order to get the most benefits, care should be taken to properly map and define the different areas and zones of the house.

Once the overall flow is determined, specific areas can be enhanced or rearranged to optimize the good energy in the space. Placing a money frog is most helpful after the entire home or space has been properly aligned.

How To Clean Money Frog


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